Get Your KIKS

KIKS – Know It or Know Someone


KIKS (because acronyms are king) is a critical concept. This is your lifeline, the foundation to personal and community independence. You do not need to know it all – just who to call. Know the skill, or know someone who does.

Know one person, preferably more, for every need, as nearby as possible.

Print this list (coming soon) as a guide to start building your network. Use discretion. Security, privacy, and localization are key to ensuring independence and resilience.

Can’t fill a need closer than a neighboring county? You just identified a need which must be filled. As you build your community, start identifying people (maybe even you) whose existing skills or interests could be developed to fill a gap.
That last part is important. You don’t have to find an established expert, just someone who is willing to develop a skill.

While we work on a printable, you should at least begin securing local food sources, natural health providers, and emergency medical care. (Who is the neighborhood EMT?)