But 1st, Revolution: Cultural Revolution, that is

Cultural revolution must precede political revolution.

America is not in a place to practice any of the 3 Keys to Liberty (Know it, Live it, Keep it). Our churches have been hijacked by the government to preach falsehoods. We exist in a state of complete dependence and absolute subservience, with mindsets of incapability and victimhood. Our enemies have warped our values until our society has crumbled under the weight of depravity, isolation, and self worship.

We are incapable of Liberty, because we are not independent – we are absolutely dependent.

Let us change that.

If we are to pursue Liberty, claim it as our own, and protect it into the future, we must correct course culturally. Our society desperately needs a complete and total reset. Our mindset and attitude, values, lifestyle, parenting, churches, relationships and responsibility, the way we approach life must change to foster Liberty.

Join us as we explore how to do this and discuss topics such as:

  • Faith
  • Mindset: From Victim to Freedom
  • Values
  • Commitment
  • Independence [from the system, gov’t, supply chain]
  • Loyalties
  • Community
  • Family
  • Traditional roles
  • Relationships and responsibility
  • tech addiction
  • and more

Explore this website to read more, and join us for our podcast, coming soon.