Seeds of Freedom: All

Needs Seeds of Freedom: Liberty Seeds of Freedom: Slavery

4 Basic Needs

Shelter, heat, water, food. These four priorities, in that order, to stay alive. Let’s expand this beyond survival situations.“…inalienable rights… among these are LIFE, LIBERTY, and the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS…” The right to anything includes the right (and thus, the responsibility) to procure all that you need pursuant to said right – uninhibited by anyone…

Seeds of Freedom: Liberty

Why the Declaration of Independence is Abhorrent

We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Declaration of Independence ALL MEN are created EQUAL.UNALIENABLE RIGHTS.Life. LIBERTY. Pursuit of Happiness. EQUAL.RIGHTS.LIBERTY. These words, this concept… They…


What if…

July 2022 I regularly draft flyers for distribution. This is a departure from my usual compilation of data, for a more provocative delivery. Many Patriotic Americans have yet little concept how deep and widespread the corruption and evil we face. Please, if you believe it would help, feel free to download and print this or…

Take Action

What You Can Do: Quick List – Community

Please continue to check back for updates. Join Learn what a PMA is; form one. Make allies with a neighbor. Repeat. Meet and ally with your local community. Meet your sheriff. Arrange a public meeting with a crowd. Learn who in the community knows valuable skills. Ally with them. Host friends/neighbors at your house,…

Take Action

What You Can Do: Quick List – Personal Steps

Continue checking back for updates. Read your Bible. Pray. Stop paying taxes. Homeschool, no matter what it takes. Go to the range. Practice shooting. Repeat. Find a naturopath/holistic medical practitioner instead of a conventional doctor. Learn to bake your own sourdough bread. Find a LOCAL small farm source of flour and other staples. Simplify your…

Take Action

What You Can Do: Quick List – Raising Awareness

Please continue to check back for additional updates. How do you raise awareness? As always: FEARLESSLY SPEAK TRUTH EVERYWHERE, EVERYDAYFIGHT REPEATED LIES WITH REPEATED TRUTH For more tangible pursuits… Write on your car or post signs around town: Fix 2020 2000 No Brakes till Nuremberg No Brakes till Freedom Freedom Isn’t Free 74 million…

Take Action

What You Can Do: Quick List – Action Items

Please check back for updates – This page is still in progress. What steps can you take to begin saving America? Here is a quick list of actions, big and small, that you can take starting immediately to save our nation. Live Local Field Manual by Jarrin Jackson, – I cannot emphasize and recommend…


Who will save us? You, Me, and God

Millions of us have been hesitant to put ourselves out there, to unite and stand. Or to stand alone. Some have been waiting for somebody else. Some have been waiting for some elusive mystical tipping point at which things go buck wild before we are going to join the rodeo. Some struggle to accept the…