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- Join
- Learn what a PMA is; form one.
- Make allies with a neighbor. Repeat.
- Meet and ally with your local community.
- Meet your sheriff. Arrange a public meeting with a crowd.
- Learn who in the community knows valuable skills. Ally with them.
- Host friends/neighbors at your house, community event at the park, rally at nearest government building. Build those local relationships.
- Teach someone a skill.
- Form a local club based around any useful skill, craft, or hobby.
For we habitants of this land/planet are under the oppression of the occupying foreign military by the fraud of the masons.
For the Senate & Congress & Government at the Washington D.C. is without the existing since the 1861 by the walking out of the assembly by the knowledge-ful southern congressmen.
For the remedy: , ,
: Then with the knowledge go here: .
One man has a video on the tube, I think, how we are under this foreign military occupation & of the remedy.
Where does the grand jury form? I need the witnessing of the grand jury. I am willing to be a witnessing grand juror for others.