Continue checking back for updates.
- Read your Bible. Pray.
- Stop paying taxes.
- Homeschool, no matter what it takes.
- Go to the range. Practice shooting. Repeat.
- Find a naturopath/holistic medical practitioner instead of a conventional doctor.
- Learn to bake your own sourdough bread. Find a LOCAL small farm source of flour and other staples.
- Simplify your diet to local, organic ingredients. Avoid conventional groceries and fast foods like the plague. Don’t drink city water. Watch your body and mind heal.
- Learn ANY new self sufficiency skill. Gather/purify water, cook, grow food, preserve and store food without electricity, sew, repairs, anything.
- Alternatives to mainstream options such as Google/social media/YouTube/AT&T: qwant search engine and Brave browser; and Telegram; Rumble and bitchute; Patriot mobile
1 comment
Hello Candy,
My name is Ken, my wife Jeanne and I would like to attend your mtg on the 29th and move forward with being part of the general assembly. I registered at the MGJA FORUM but it needs to be approved. If this is you please approve or let me know the process. Thanks in advance for your assistance. We look forward to meeting everyone the end of October.