3 Keys to Liberty: Know It, Live It, Keep It

There are 3 Keys to Liberty: Know It, Live It, Keep It.
Understand what Liberty means and what it looks like.
Commit to living it out and take responsibility.
Protect and defend it from all threats, no tyranny too small.

Know It: Understand Liberty

The most critical Key to Liberty is simply KNOWLEDGE.
What IS Liberty?
What IS Freedom?


One absolutely cannot know that they are FREE if one does not know what FREEDOM means. It is easy to say, “I am free,” while you are inside a cage, if you have always been taught that this is the definition of Freedom.

Liberty is freedom from interference and control. It is the freedom to tend your own needs for yourself, without any involvement or hindrance, and without relying upon another entity to do it for you. It is freedom from micromanagement, extortion, theft, and persecution under the guise of “authority” enforcing imaginary laws which create victimless “crime.”
No victim, no crime.

If you want to be taken care of and not to worry that’s fine; you can join the rest of the cattle. Cattle are comfortable, that’s how you recognize them. Just don’t complain when they ship you off to the packing plant. They’ve bought and paid for the privilege. Now if you want to be free, then get this: freedom is not about being comfortable. It’s about seizing and using opportunities, and using them responsibly. Freedom is not comfort. It’s commitment. Commitment is the willingness to be uncomfortable.

David Gerrold, A Matter for Men

As Gerrold highlights, “Either you are FREE, or you are CATTLE. That’s it.”

Live It: Localize Liberty

The central Key to Liberty, the practical application, is LIVE IT – and that is ALWAYS accomplished locally… in your home, your neighborhood, and your community.
INDEPENDENCE is simple: a lack of DEPENDENCE. Nothing more, nothing less.
If your basic survival needs are managed and dictated, or can be interrupted, controlled, or interfered with by external forces, you are not Free – you are Dependent.

We the People can – and must – provide for ourselves absolutely every good and service which we have outsourced to third parties such as “government” entities. We must sever our dependence upon long supply chains, centralized monopolistic corporations, government agencies, and distant strangers.

Localize everything. Take responsibility. Build community. Create a parallel economy.

Become immune to control.

Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control people.

Keep It: Defend Liberty

Liberty dies quickly at the hands of those who would not DEFEND IT.
Defending Liberty means more than fighting for yourself, but for EVERY right, of EVERY man, EVERY time, and teaching our children to diligently do the same.
No tyranny too small. Not a single toe over the line in the sand is acceptable. You must immediately and mercilessly sever that toe, or there is no more line, and you are just as guilty of erasing it as the man who crossed it.

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.

President Ronald Reagan