Those who see evil and choose not to do everything in their power to stop it, are every bit as responsible for said evil.
The Goliath we face may indeed seem too large for us to conquer.
Does that mean God would have us surrender? Did David surrender? Or did David seek out and destroy evil armed with his faith in God?
Goliath does not equate end times.
End times do not equate a free pass to sit idly by while evil runs rampant.
Our roles are all unique. God’s call for each of us is unique.
I do not believe this is the end times, but it makes no difference if it is. What we face is unlike anything the world has seen. The scale and depth of this evil is greater than any Goliath that has come before. There is no blueprint, there is no example of another time in which the world has overcome such a massive, worldwide, interwoven web of malice and deception.
But there is David.
The larger the Goliath, the greater God’s glory.
We are not in normal times, not in a typical war. This is not merely a war of our nation’s military versus another nation’s military. This is not a war in which we are not engaged but merely the passive victims of it’s effects on our economy, infrastructure, or supply lines. This is not a war in which we can carry on with our day to day the same as ever with any number of added stressors or inconveniences.
Read again. We are not passive victims of the effects of a war fought by others.
We ARE the combatants.
We ARE taking enemy fire, even though it does not (yet) look like bullets fired upon us by the invading force. This is akin to a war in which the enemy’s military has invaded our town with bullets and bombs after our own forces have fallen.
We ARE the home team, not the cheerleaders, not the spectators in the bleachers. And the visiting team is not only scoring a touchdown, they are firebombing the stadium with our children inside.
If you have come this far, if you see the size of the Goliaths we face, YOU are the Davids.
We are not even just the background supporters or militia of 1776. You and I are our day’s John Hancock, Thomas Paine, Paul Revere, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Hamilton, Betsy Ross, Francis Scott Key.
You and I must accept that there is nobody else coming to save the day. You and I are it. WE are the leaders lighting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. WE are the Davids chosen to stand against Goliath, as evidenced in the simple fact that we are the people who see that Goliath is even there.
So take the lead alongside me, fellow Patriots. Take the lead as the general with God as your commander in chief.